Rezo Pouce

Einreichende Institution: Rezo Pouce
Jahr: 2020
Rezo Pouce


One of the main problems when living in rural areas or in suburban areas is that there is very few alternative to owning a car. We think that the “one car – one person” standard doesn’t make sense in a world where some people encounter mobility issues and that faces important dangers due to climate change. Sharing daily trips could be a solution and we try to make it as easy as possible for people to carpool or hitchhike for daily journeys. We say we took the best of the carpooling world and of the hitchhiking world to create a social and flexible concept.

We try to solve two main problems:
•Implementing public transportation in rural areas can often be very complicated. It’s expensive and often remains used by only a handful of people as cars are still seen as the best solution to move around in rural areas. It’s also very difficult to provide a high frequency service, which makes it even harder for people to use their car less. Therefore, Rezo Pouce offers a solution to complement existing public transportation.
•Mainstream carpooling platforms are not ideal solutions for daily trips in rural areas: -They often focus on one type of journey: long occasional journeys, home/work journeys, etc. Rezo Pouce offers a solution for all short daily trips in rural areas, whether it’s to buy groceries once a week, go to work every day or go to the theater once in a while.
-They lack flexibility: because Rezo Pouce also works offline thanks to thousands meeting spots where any member of the network can spontaneously show up and wait for another member to pick them up, it becomes very easy for passengers to be picked up anywhere at any time.
-They charge fees: Rezo Pouce doesn’t charge fees and it’s entirely up to the users to decide whether the trip will be free for the passenger (it’s almost always free when it’s an occasional ride) or if costs will be shared (we advise to share costs when the same trip is shared on a regular basis, for home to work for instance).


Rezo Pouce startete im Jahr 2010 lokal und wird seit dem Jahr 2016 landesweit angeboten. Mittlerweile gibt es dieses flexible Fahrgemeinschaftsnetzwerk, das sich auf tägliche Fahrten, wie beispielsweise Einkäufe oder Arztbesuche, in ländlichen Regionen konzentriert, bereits in über 2.000 der insgesamt 35.000 Dörfer und Städte Frankreichs. Gerade in den ländlichen Regionen ist die Zahl der Zweit- und Drittautos in den vergangenen Jahren stark gestiegen, nicht nur in Frankreich. Rezo Pouce möchte dieser Entwicklung entgegenwirken und dazu beitragen, dass Mobilität ohne eigenes Auto in den Regionen erleichtert wird. Die Mitglieder des Rezo Pouce Netzwerks können sich über eine App eine Mitfahrgelegenheit organisieren. Zusätzlich gibt es in den Dörfern Mitfahrpunkte, ähnlich dem Konzept des „Mitfahrbankerls“, das es in Österreich in manchen Orten gibt. Insgesamt haben sich mehr als 15.000 Personen im Rezo Pouce Netzwerk registriert.


If Rezo Pouce begun locally in 2010, it’s only since 2016 that a nationwide development was started. Rezo Pouce is now implemented in over 2,000 towns and villages all around France. Around 15,000 people subscribed and share their daily trips. It will definitely take a long time to make Rezo Pouce a solution adopted by millions. Indeed, people living in rural and peri-urban areas have been pushed to owning a car for decades and habits are very hard to change. Though, we are working hard to show everyone that it’s possible to reduce the amount of cars on the roads and more and more citizens join the movement. Thousands of towns and villages are expected to implement Rezo Pouce in the next few years. Activity has grown by 300% throughout the last two years all over rural France. Therefore, we can expect an important increase in the number of users as Rezo Pouce will be implemented in more and more areas.


Rezo Pouce


Macif: Macif, one of the main insurance providers in France, brings its expertise to make Rezo Pouce the most secured network possible.

Transdev: Since 2015, Transdev Group and Rezo Pouce work tog

Cerema: Cerema is the public center for studies on risks,

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