Smart Urban Transportation Infrastructure (SUTI)
Jahr: 2012
Studierende der WU Executive Academy (Professional MBA)
Christian Balbier, Peter Grant-Hay, Ferdinand Klauser, Elisabeth Schop
Herr Mag. Bernhard Jelinek
The functioning of SUTI is based on ITS (Intelligent Transportation System). SUTI uses information technology (GPS-based smart phone app) for the exchange of data between infrastructure users and the infrastructure. The users of the urban transport infrastructure (roads and public transport) are charged according to the respectively current ratio between the LOS on the main roads and the capacity utilization on public transport (principle of communicating pipes). The more crowded a transport carrier gets the more expensive its use. The smart phone app makes sure that the users are informed about the current charges at any time and thus can make their choice regarding the mode of transport.
More even distribution of traffic streams over all means of transport und reduction of traffic jams and traffic accidents, reduction of macroeconomic costs of traffic jams and accidents, reduction of investment costs of additional infrastructure (new roads, additional lanes, etc.), shorter travelling times for infrastructure users, less exhaust gas emissions and thus improvements for the environment and for the world climate (global warming), improved utilization of trains, subways, etc. and reduction of necessary subsidies for public transport.
Studierende der WU Executive Academy (Professional MBA)
Christian Balbier, Peter Grant-Hay, Ferdinand Klauser, Elisabeth Schop
Herr Mag. Bernhard Jelinek
The basic idea behind SUTI is to distribute urban traffic evenly over roads and public transport to reduce capacity problems on urban transportation infrastructure. This is done on the basis of the Level-of-Service (LOS) on urban roads (motorways and secondary road network) and the capacity utilization on public transport (trains, subway, trams, etc.)
The functioning of SUTI is based on ITS (Intelligent Transportation System). SUTI uses information technology (GPS-based smart phone app) for the exchange of data between infrastructure users and the infrastructure. The users of the urban transport infrastructure (roads and public transport) are charged according to the respectively current ratio between the LOS on the main roads and the capacity utilization on public transport (principle of communicating pipes). The more crowded a transport carrier gets the more expensive its use. The smart phone app makes sure that the users are informed about the current charges at any time and thus can make their choice regarding the mode of transport.
More even distribution of traffic streams over all means of transport und reduction of traffic jams and traffic accidents, reduction of macroeconomic costs of traffic jams and accidents, reduction of investment costs of additional infrastructure (new roads, additional lanes, etc.), shorter travelling times for infrastructure users, less exhaust gas emissions and thus improvements for the environment and for the world climate (global warming), improved utilization of trains, subways, etc. and reduction of necessary subsidies for public transport.
Studierende der WU Executive Academy (Professional MBA)
Christian Balbier, Peter Grant-Hay, Ferdinand Klauser, Elisabeth Schop
Herr Mag. Bernhard Jelinek
The basic idea behind SUTI is to distribute urban traffic evenly over roads and public transport to reduce capacity problems on urban transportation infrastructure. This is done on the basis of the Level-of-Service (LOS) on urban roads (motorways and secondary road network) and the capacity utilization on public transport (trains, subway, trams, etc.)
The functioning of SUTI is based on ITS (Intelligent Transportation System). SUTI uses information technology (GPS-based smart phone app) for the exchange of data between infrastructure users and the infrastructure. The users of the urban transport infrastructure (roads and public transport) are charged according to the respectively current ratio between the LOS on the main roads and the capacity utilization on public transport (principle of communicating pipes). The more crowded a transport carrier gets the more expensive its use. The smart phone app makes sure that the users are informed about the current charges at any time and thus can make their choice regarding the mode of transport.
More even distribution of traffic streams over all means of transport und reduction of traffic jams and traffic accidents, reduction of macroeconomic costs of traffic jams and accidents, reduction of investment costs of additional infrastructure (new roads, additional lanes, etc.), shorter travelling times for infrastructure users, less exhaust gas emissions and thus improvements for the environment and for the world climate (global warming), improved utilization of trains, subways, etc. and reduction of necessary subsidies for public transport.
Studierende der WU Executive Academy (Professional MBA)
Christian Balbier, Peter Grant-Hay, Ferdinand Klauser, Elisabeth Schop
Herr Mag. Bernhard Jelinek