Technology Park Brno goes green
Jahr: 2014
The long-term goal is to set up the very first mobility plan for the Czech Technology Park in Brno city (Czech republic) which will be constantly updated and fully integrated into the development plan of extension of the Technology Park.
Medium-term goal is an actual development of sustainable transport in the area by demonstrating mobility alternatives, organizing campaigns, get city representatives on the board and as a result lower carbon footprint, improve traffic situation and especially change people mindsets and behavior.
This project (where more than 10 ths people commute to work daily) should serve as best practice inspiring other business areas and large employers to implement mobility management and care for the environment.
Discussions with large companies located in Brno city, which have actually been challenging problems with traffic and employees´mobility, were a strong impuls for Partneship Foundation to launch a pilot project on mobility management in spring 2013. The project´s aim was to introduce the mobility management, which should help alleviate parking issues and improve conditions for pedestrians, cyclists and public transport users. Survey on transport behaviour among 4 ths employees, elaboration of mobility plan, Mobility Week campaign, setting up a mobility working group and introduction of company carpooling system were the step by step actions which are constantly being developed and implemented during 2014.
More than 1.300 employees responses in the survey on transport behaviour with the significant results: the prevailing mode of transport to work is car (40% of commuters) from which 60 % commutes from the distance of less than 10 km, 1/3 commute by PT, 10% walk and 4% bike to work. On the other hand employees showed an interest in further development of mobility alternatives such as carpooling and biking. The mobility plan was developed and 5 measures from 7 were up to now realized. More than 700 employees registered in a company carpooling system, 72 parking spots are reserved for carpoolers, tens of people tried out e- bikes during Mobility Week campaign and got involved in Bike to Work campaign, thousands of people have received a message of importance of using sustainable ways of travelling to work.
Martin Humpola IBM DC CE Brno
Partnership Foundation