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Many cities (including Budapest) aspires to approach the livability of Vienna. Regarding mobility, it is widely believed that it is the well-developed and cheap public transportation system which should be replicated in some way in order to improve livability of the city in question. The project idea suggest that, instead of (or besides) admiring Vienna's public transportation, cities shall rather see Vienna's compactness and structure as an example to follow.


My project idea compares mobility system of Vienna and Budapest. The comparison points out that despite the two city being rather similar in population, in Budapest 60% more trips take place. This suggest that Vienna can provide a more decent life (Vienna precedes Budapest in most livability index) than Budapest with considerably less travel. The message of this comparison that, besides developing sustainable mobility, cities should focus (also) on structuring and organizing themselves in a way that require less travel. That is de-mobility is possible, and it is also more sustainable than any kind of mobility.


I hope the proposed research can explore, how can the rather compact Vienna (together with the limitations that it compactness implies) provide such a decent life and why it attracts so many people to reside there (instead of residing outside Vienna in a larger house and commuting from there).
The results so far are a research proposal and proposing a different strategic approach.


Herr Csaba Toth Dembinszky 4/ground floor 6 1071 Budapest +3630 61 80 305 csampala@gmail.com
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