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Global Street Design Guide


After decades of designing streets to move large numbers of vehicles as efficiently as possible, regardless of the evident negative effects and externalities, such as air, water and noise pollution, increased road fatalities, congestion, inefficient and unequal allocation street space, the Global Street Design offer to designers, private and public practitioners, politicians, and advocate a new way of designing streets.


The Global Street Design guide (GSDG) is a one-of-a-kind design manual which is aiming to set a global baseline for designing streets and public spaces while redefining the role of streets in a rapidly urbanizing world. The GSDG was made possible thanks to the collaborations of a Global Expert Network which currently includes over 150 members from 72 cities in 42 countries.


Since the endorsement campaign has started in less than 2 months the Global Street Design Guide has been endorsed by 31 cities and 16 international organizations. The Guide is being translated or will be translated into Mandarin, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, Japanese, and Georgian and we received interested publisher also in a few other languages.
Since the on-line launch of the book mid-May the book has been downloaded 6,000 times (more than 3,000 downloads only in the first 3 days).
List of cities that endorsed the guide (end of May 2017)
Accra, Ghana
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Auckland, New Zealand
Bandung, Indonesia
Bogota, Colombia
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Charlotte, USA
Chicago, USA
Fortaleza, Brasil
Helsinki, Finland
Kabul, Afganistan
London, UK
Los Angeles, USA
Manila, Philippines
Melbourne, Australia
Mexico City, Mexico
Nairobi, Kenya
New York City, USA
Philadelphia, USA
Pittsburgh, USA
Recife, Brazil
San Francisco, USA
Santiago, Chile
Sao Paulo, Brazil
Seattle, USA
Stockholm, Sweden
Sydney, Australia
Tirana, Albania
Toronto, Canada
Vancouver, Canada
Washington, D.C., USA
List of Organizations:
8-80 Cities
ACM - Automobile Club of Moldova
Belarusian Auto Moto Touring Club
Bernard van Leer Foundation
C40 Cities
EASST - Eastern Alliance for Safe and Sustainable Transport
FIA Foundation
GRSP - Global Road Safety Partnership
IDB - Inter-American Development Bank
ITDP - The Institute for Transportation and Development Policy
John Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health
Partnership for Road Safety Foundation
Save Life Foundation
Vital Strategies
World Bank (Supported by)
World Resources Institute - Ross Center for Sustainable Cities
13. Which results do you hope to achieve through the project/ project-idea?
We hope to continually increase the number of cities endorsing the guide, multiply the translation and the reach of the GSDG by continuing trainings and capacity buildings and concrete demonstrations.
We aim to collaborate with even more cities to develop local action plans and design manuals to modify local street design policies to adopt the principles of the GSDG.


NACTO - Global Designing Cities Initiative Herr Fabrizio Prati Park Av 120 10017 New York City http://globaldesigningcities.org +19178932105 fabrizio@nacto.org


Bloomberg Philanthropies. : Bloomberg Philanthropies funded the GSDG through the Bloomberg Philanthropies Initiative for Global Road Safety.

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